πŸŽ„Game Intro

Santa Claus πŸŽ… is preparing for the upcoming Christmas πŸŽ„, gathering items scattered around and packing them into gift boxes 🎁, wrapping them according to the children's preferences.

  • ❄️ Use A/D/W or β†/β†’/↑ to move and jump.
  • ⛄️ Press E key to pick up items, X key to interact with NPCs or style stations, Space key to skip dialogues.
  • 🎁 Read the letters from the children, find suitable gifts for them, and wrap them according to their preferences.
  • πŸ›· Throw the confirmed wrapped gift boxes into the sleigh cart.

⛄️ Game Info

  • Name: Name Your Gift
  • 中文名: 求瀼必应
  • Languages: English, Simplified Chinese
  • Recommended Playtime: 5-10 min 
  • Platform: PC

❄️Game Reference

  • The overall framework of the game is inspired by  by WilliamBilliam on itch.io: festive-frenzy
  • Regarding another main game mechanism, it is inspired by by another author duzda on itch.io: santa-says

πŸŽ…Game Resources


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Hey there! I’m so happy to hear that you loved my game and assets enough to be inspired to create your own game. It means a lot to see my work spark creativity in others!

I absolutely love the direction you are taking the game. The extra mechanisms add so much to the experience and you did a great job adding in new assets that fit the original while also bringing a uniqueness and polished feel, amazing work!

Best of luck with your game and happy holidays!πŸŽ„

Wow! thank you so much for your reply, it means a lot to me. And Merry Christmas to you too!